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Europe Atlas

Europe Atlas - Mountains, Rivers, Cities, Countries of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Mountains of Europe

Europe Mountains

Rivers of Europe

Rivers of Europe

Cities of Europe

Europe Cities

Europe countries

Europe Countries

Special Territories

Special Territories



Mountains of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

You can display the main mountain ranges of the Europe. Choose a name and highlight the position of this topographic feature on the map.

Rivers of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Display the main rivers of Europe. Choose a name and highlight this water course on the map, with its length and the names of the countries traversed by it.

Cities of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Display the main towns of Europe and highlight their location on the map, as well as their name in English and local language, their population and the date of their origin.

Countries of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Display the sovereign countries of Europe and highlight their location, as well as their name in English and local language, their capital, their area, population and the average life expectancy of the inhabitants.

Special Territories

Internationally unrecognized or unclear status entities are listed here separately with their de jure and de facto characteristics.


The legends, definitions and sources of the Euratlas Europe Atlas are available here.