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Samos in 1900

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Map of Samos in year 1900

Principality of Samos (Samos) . Depends on Ottoman Empire

Northwest Northeast
Southwest Southeast
Andorra (S) France (S) Montenegro (S) Samos (D)
Athos (D) Germany (S) Morocco (S) San Marino (S)
Austria-Hungary (S) Great-Britain Ireland (S) Netherlands (S) Sanusiyah (D)
Belgium (S) Greece (S) Norway-Sweden (S) Serbia (S)
Bled-es-Siba (D) Italy (S) Ottoman Empire (S) Spain (S)
Bulgaria (S) Jebel Shammar (S) Persia (S) Sweden-Norway (S)
Crete (D) Liechtenstein (S) Portugal (S) Switzerland (S)
Croatia-Slavonia (D) Luxembourg (S) Romania (S) Tekna (D)
Denmark (S) Monaco (S) Russia (S) Tunisia (D)
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